In this chapter we tried to recognize the relationship between class size and students' achievement through previous research. We discovered that, despite the initial assumption that students in small classes learn and work better than in large ones, various researches came to conflicting results and led us to the conclusion that, even if there is a relationship between these two variables, it does not draw a clear, strong and homogeneous condition to this assumptions. Other factors are more relevant, such as the teaching methods used in the class.
We considered the challenges that students and teachers face in this kind of context and, through an interview with high school teachers, the kind of technology mainly used in the countries involved in this project as starting points for solutions available through technology.
We based our solutions mainly on the theoretical fundaments of constructivism and collaborative learning. We pointed out four possible solutions on the basis of easy usage and accessibility, and especially on the support they give to the active involvement in the learning process.
As a conclusion to this research, we encourage teachers involved in large classes to consider our theoretical findings to provide relevant methods and embrace the suggested technology and methods to reach and involve through them all the students, so to provide adequate help.
Predicting the future use of technologies and methods is hard and unreliable. However we will make a guess here. It is likely that virtual environment will develop strongly in the coming years. The use of mobile devices as smart phones or tablets may become a permanent factor in all our lives. Thus teaching methods will have to adjust to the new technologies available for the whole population. Devices will get even smarter and fast as they are right now. Imagine in 10 years students using mobile devices not substituting paper and pen, but strongly complementary to it. High quality online Lectures could be used for a very large number (thousands or even millions) of students over the internet. You can see this happening at higher education facilities now. The next generation of teachers will bring those methods and technologies to their classrooms. Classroom will become more flexible in terms of studying time and studying places.
A teacher should also keep in mind that, although a class can be large, it is very important to encourage students to be active constructors of their knowledge. Problem-solving, discussion in groups, study projects - all this makes it possible for students to help each other understand the material, develop own ideas, make conclusions and opinions and, therefore, learn things better. Modern technologies (many of which are nowadays easily accessible and not hard to use) can contribute to collaborative learning a lot, especially when the class is large.
Here you can find also the prezi presentation of this chapter.