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6. Conclusion and references

6. Conclusion

In this chapter we have looked at different ways a teacher can motivate his/her pupils to learn about local history. We have looked at what motivation is, how it can be raised, and how a teacher can utilize modern technology.

We started off with looking at the requirements of a history lesson, and we saw that a history lesson is peculiar and complex subject.  

By having a foundation of a history lesson’s requirements, we moved on to have a deeper look at the motivational theory. We defined motivation, and found that the following were the most important aspects affecting motivation:

  • Self-efficacy and competence perception
  • Attributions and control beliefs
  • Higher level of interest where we present several aspects that affect this

When having an overview of the important aspects affecting motivation, we turned to look at how motivation can be raised. Here we pointed at several aspects that may due this. Some of them are creation of timelines, collaborative work, mystery solving, connecting personal history with local history and project based learning.

We then turned to look at how we could involve the local community. Even though this may seem to be out of the scope of the scenario, we felt that this was important part of our chapter. In this section we defined the actors, and we described how a teacher could utilize these actors.

In the next section of the chapter we looked at how a teacher can utilize modern technology, and more specifically what tools that can be utilized. In this section we also elaborated on a field study we conducted, which included an interview with three primary school teachers. This helped us when choosing what tools to include.

The tools we included in the chapter are tools that the pupils can use to collect, create, share and present their historical information. We also looked at how the pupils could reflect on their work process. We believe the collection of tools we have presented in this chapter covers a wide range of the needs a teacher may have to encourage learning in a local history setting.

All in all, we have found our scenario to be quite complex. Motivation is complex, and history is complex. This means that there are probably not one solution to how the scenario can be solved, but we feel that we have come up with a good possible solution.


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